The 30A Wine Festival returns to Alys Beach Wednesday, February 20 through Sunday, February 24, 2019 for its eighth year to benefit Children's Volunteer Health Network. This wine festival is a weekend full of fun, this year extending the weekend by adding a Wednesday event. It kicks off with a four-course wine dinner at the beautiful Caliza Restaurant on Wednesday night prepared by Executive Chef Drew Dzejak. Read about 2018's dinner here.
A wine dinner is held at Caliza on Wednesday night.
This year they have added an Oysters and Champagne party with live entertainment on Thursday night in Central Park, hosted by Garden and Gun Magazine ($150).
Friday there is a hands-on mixology seminar at Caliza ($125) followed by one of our favorite events - "Bourbon, Beer & Butts" - a fun night of bourbon, beer and barbecue tasting featuring many of America's best brewers, distillers and pit masters ($150). Read about 2018's event here.
The Bourbon, Beer and Butts event is held on Friday night.
Saturday offers a variety of entertaining seminars ($50) and a grand tasting ($225). It is a rare opportunity to taste more than 80 wines from around the world in one place!
The Grand Tasting is held on Saturday.
Sunday's Rosé & Croquet ($150/team) is a great way to end the weekend. The croquet tournament is quite competitive and amusing. If you don't wish to compete, you can relax over an extensive brunch with plenty of rosés to try.
Croquet and Rosé all day
Weekend passes ($500), Oysters and Champagne ($150), Bourbon, Beer and Butts ($175), the Grand Tasting ($250) and Rosé and Croquet ($100) are all sold out.
Wine Seminar ($25) and Mixology Seminar ($125) tickets are still available, as are Wine Dinner/Weekend Pass Combo tickets for $775 each.