Why Bacardi 151 is No Longer Available
Everyone has that great group of friends who are always up for getting together for a beautiful dinner and delicious wines for any occasion. At this party, we are celebrating our friend’s engagement.
Beautiful table setting, check!
Friends all bringing a tasty dish – check!

And dessert shots to toast to the new couple’s eternal flame of love. Umm…check this out!
Bacardi 151 was sold in the US from the early 1970s until 2016 when production was discontinued. Dinner parties, like ours, going up in flames is likely the reason! RIP 151, our linens, tray, table, floor, and Jim’s eyebrows.
But don’t sweat it. He and She on Wine have found several others worthy of replacing Bacardi 151 when you really need to light up the party! Try the overproof versions of Cruzan, Gosling’s Black Seal or DonQ in your Caribou Lou. But keep a fire extinguisher handy!